Gorelli Federico Aiace

Professional Profile: Senior Researcher (Employee)
Activity field: Research
Main office/laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino – LENS
Office phone number: 055 457 2490
Laboratory phone number: 055 457 2530/2529/2509
OrcidID: 0000-0001-5634-6885ScopusID: 6603781220
Primary activity: The main subject of my research activity is the study of matter under extreme pressures. The experimental investigations are based on vibrational spectroscopy technique (Raman scattering and Infrared absorption at LENS, Florence), X ray diffraction and Inelastic X ray scattering (at the european synchrotron radiation facility, ESRF, Grenoble and at LENS, Florence (XRD)). The extreme pressures are generated by Diamond Anvil Cells (DAC), also projected and developed at LENS.

Main experiences acquired: Vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and IR), X ray diffraction, High pressure technology (diamond anvil cells (DAC) and hydrothermal cells, sample preparation for DAC (cryogenic ad high pressure gas loading), laser heating in DAC, project and development of vacuum chambers for high and low temperatures, project and development of motorized systems for remote control.

Research Groups:
Matter under Extreme Conditions, and Dynamics of Physical and Physicochemical Processes

Others Funded Projects in which he/she participates:
One dimensional, single-chain polymers for gas sensors through high-pressure technology

Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 63
  –   Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 63
  –   Books or Chapters, are: 0
  –   Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 0
  –   Conference proceedings, are: 2
  –   Abstract, are: 1

Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2025-02-23
  –   maximum number of citations for an article: 198
  –   maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 26.681
  –   H-INDEX: 23   G-INDEX: 38   HC-INDEX (contemporary): 14 
  –   List of TopTen papers in citations  –   List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor