Light propagation in atomic Mott Insulators

Year: 2008

Authors: Bariani F., Carusotto I.

Autors Affiliation: BEC-CNR-INFM and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Trento, Via Sommarive 14, I-38050 Povo, Italy

Abstract: We study radiation-matter interaction in a system of ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice in a Mott insulator phase. We develop a fully general quantum model, and we perform calculations for a one-dimensional geometry at normal incidence. Both two- and three-level L atomic configurations are studied. The polariton dispersion and the reflectivity spectra are characterized in the different regimes, for both semi-infinite and finite-size geometries. We apply this model to propose a photon energy lifter experiment: a device which is able to shift the carrier frequency of a slowly travelling wavepacket without affecting the pulse shape nor its coherence. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2008.08005]


Volume: 3      Pages from: 08005  to: 08005

More Information: We thank A. Recati, G. C. La Rocca, V. Guarrera and S. De Liberato for stimulating discussions. FB acknowledges hospitality at the Institut Henri Poincare-Centre Emile Borel and financial support from ESF-QUDEDIS network through Short Visit Grant, Ref. Num. 1802. IC acknowledges hospitality at the Institut Henri Poincare-Centre Emile Borel and financial support from CNRS. FB dedicates his first paper in Physics to his family for the continuous and strong support received.
KeyWords: Atomic Mott insulator; photonic crystal; polaritonic waves; slow light; photon lifter
DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2008.08005

Citations: 10
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