Treating voxel geometries in radiation protection dosimetry with a patched version of the Monte Carlo codes MCNP and MCNPX

Year: 2007

Authors: Burn K.W., Daffara C., Gualdrini G., Pierantoni M., Ferrari P.

Autors Affiliation: ENEA — Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente, FIS-NUC, V.M.M. Sole 4, 40129 Bologna, Italy; CNR — Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Largo E.Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy; ENEA, BAS-ION-IRP, V. dei Colli 16, 40136 Bologna, Italy; IOR, Ospedale Rizzoli, IT Service, Salita S.Benedetto 1, 40136 Bologna, Italy

Abstract: The question of Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport in voxel geometries is addressed. Patched versions of the MCNP and MCNPX codes are developed aimed at transporting radiation both in the standard geometry mode and in the voxel geometry treatment. The patched code reads an unformatted FORTRAN file derived from DICOM format data and uses special subroutines to handle voxel-to-voxel radiation transport. The various phases of the development of the methodology are discussed together with the new input options. Examples are given of employment of the code in internal and external dosimetry and comparisons with results from other groups are reported.


Volume: 123 (3)      Pages from: 345  to: 353

KeyWords: Absorbed Fractions; Conversion Coefficients; Phantom; Models; Tool; Ct
DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncl150

ImpactFactor: 0.528
Citations: 1
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