Sistemi innovativi di misura per la protezione dell’ambiente e della salute


Funded by: Regione Toscana  
Calls: P.O.R. CReO F.E.S.R. 2007-2013, Asse 1,Attivitą 1.1, Linea di intervento A
Start date: 2010-04-12  End date: 2012-04-11
Total Budget: EUR 2.256.000,00  INO share of the total budget: EUR 1.314.000,00
Scientific manager:    and for INO is: D’Amato Francesco

Web Site: Visit

Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)

other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
EcoFutura S.r.l.
European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
Scienza Industria Tecnologia S.r.l.

other INO’s people involved:
Viciani Silvia
Bartalini Saverio
Cancio Pastor Pablo
De Natale Paolo
De Rosa Maurizio
Foggi Paolo
Gagliardi Gianluca
Giusfredi Giovanni
Maddaloni Pasquale
Malara Pietro
Mazzotti Davide
Ricciardi Iolanda
Rocco Alessandra
Zuccaro Marchi Alessandro

Abstract: Project SIMPAS is supported by Regione Toscana (POR CREO FESR 2007-2013), with the aim of developing two analyzers, one for the measurement of H2S concentration in the exhaust gases of geothermal plants, the second one for the measurement of dioxines concentration in the exhausts of waste incinerator plants. Both instruments will be based on spectroscopic techniques.
The Consortium which carries out the Project is composed by:

National Institute of Optics of the National Research Council (INO-CNR), Florence
LENS, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, University of Florence
National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology, Pisa
Scienza Industria Tecnologia S.r.l., Pisa
EcoFutura S.r.l., Monsummano Terme (PT)

Project SIMPAS has a total budget of € 2.256.833, of which € 1.760.329 are supplied by Regione Toscana. The Project started on April 12, 2010, and has been closed on April 11, 2012.

The results of the SIMPAS Project have been shown in an event which has been held on May 31, 2012, 10:30-13:30, at LENS, Aula Querzoli, Polo Scientifico di Sesto Fiorentino, Via N. Carrara 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)

The Scientific Results:
1) Il progetto SIMPAS: sistemi innovativi di misura per la protezione dell’ambiente e della salute
2) Frequency-noise dynamics of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
3) Measuring frequency noise and intrinsic linewidth of a room-temperature DFB quantum cascade laser
4) Dioxins detection at 7.8 μm by using a broadly tunable QCL
5) All in-fiber Constant Intensity Direct Absorption Spectroscopy applied to gas detection
6) Constant intensity direct absorption spectroscopy applied to gas detection with a fiber apparatus
7) Frequency-comb-referenced singly-resonant OPO for sub-Doppler spectroscopy
8) A Frequency-Comb-Referenced OPO for Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy
9) A narrow-linewidth, frequency-stabilized OPO for sub-Doppler molecular spectroscopy around 3 μm
10) An optical parametric oscillator for mid-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy
11) A narrow-linewidth, frequency-stabilized OPO for sub-Doppler molecular spectroscopy around 3 µm