Approcci locali e globali ai processi cognitivi
CRF Approcci locali e globali
Calls: Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Start date: 2014-05-06 End date: 2015-10-31
Total Budget: EUR 9.800,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 9.800,00
Scientific manager: and for INO is: Meucci Riccardo
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee:
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
Cognitive processes can be considered from a “local” or from a “global” point of view. In the first case, the cortical architecture is explored in order to know the neuronal connections. Such information is mainly based on fMRI techniques. In the past years cognitive processes have been theoretically explored making use of networks of chaotic oscillators,chaotic semiconductor lasers or LEDs. The implantation of these networks is a part of this research project focusing on the “local” aspects.
As far as the “ global ” aspects are concerned we first distinguish between perception processes and judgment. The former ones, associated to a motor reaction, occur on a time scale of about 100ms and are related to long term memories. The latter ones, exclusively of humans, are characterized by longer durations of the order of seconds and rest on short term memories and inverse Bayesian inference. Such investigations should take advantages from an “eye tracker” which unfortunately is not available.