Towards European standards for quantum technologies

Year: 2022

Authors: van Deventer O., Spethmann N., Loeffler M., Amoretti M., van den Brink R., Bruno N., Comi P., Farrugia N., Gramegna M., Jenet A., Kassenberg B., Kozlowski W., Ldnger T., Lindstrom T., Martin V., Neumann N., Papadopoulos H., Pascazio S., Peev M., Pitwon R., Rol M.A., Traina P., Venderbosch P., Wilhelm-Mauch F.K.

Autors Affiliation: TNO, CEN CENELEC FGQT, Anna Buerenpl 1, NL-2595 DA The Hague, Netherlands; CEN CENELEC FGQT, PTB, Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany; DIN, CEN CENELEC FGQT, Berlin, Germany; Univ Parma, CINI Consorzio Interuniv Nazl Informat, Parma, Italy; Delft Circuits, Schieweg 15A,Entrance A,Unit 17, NL-2627 AN Delft, Netherlands; CNR INO, LENS, Rome, Italy; Italtel, Milan, Italy; Univ Malta, Msida, Malta; INRIM Ist Nazl Ric Metrol, Str Cacce 91, I-10135 Turin, Italy; European Commiss, Brussels, Belgium; QuiX Quantum, Enschede, Netherlands; Delft Univ Technol, QuTech, Delft, Netherlands; IDQ Europe, Europl 2, A-1120 Vienna, Austria; NPL, Teddington, Middx, England; UPM, Madrid, Spain; TNO, Delft, Netherlands; Syndesis Ltd, NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Greece; Univ Bari, Dept Phys, Bari, Italy; INFN Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Bari, Italy; Huawei Technol Duesseldorf GmbH, Riesstr 25, D-80992 Mu nich, Germany; Resolute Photon, Eastleigh, England; Orange Quantum Syst, Vermeerstr 19, NL-2612 XJ Delft, Netherlands; Forschungszentrum Julich, Julich, Germany.

Abstract: The Second Quantum Revolution facilitates the engineering of new classes of sensors, communication technologies, and computers with unprecedented capabilities. Supply chains for quantum technologies are emerging, some focused on commercially available components for enabling technologies and/or quantum-technologies research infrastructures, others with already higher technology-readiness levels, near to the market. In 2018, the European Commission has launched its large-scale and long-term Quantum Flagship research initiative to support and foster the creation and development of a competitive European quantum technologies industry, as well as the consolidation and expansion of leadership and excellence in European quantum technology research. One of the measures to achieve an accelerated development and uptake has been identified by the Quantum Flagship in its Strategic Research Agenda: The promotion of coordinated, dedicated standardisation and certification efforts. Standardisation is indeed of paramount importance to facilitate the growth of new technologies, and the development of efficient and effective supply chains. The harmonisation of technologies, methodologies, and interfaces enables interoperable products, innovation, and competition, all leading to structuring and hence growth of markets. As quantum technologies mature, the time has come to start thinking about further standardisation needs. This article presents insights on standardisation for quantum technologies from the perspective of the CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies (FGQT), which was established in June 2020 to coordinate and support the development of standards relevant for European industry and research.


Volume: 9 (1)      Pages from: 33-1  to: 33-41

More Information: Horizon 2020 QFlag-CSA, 820350. Horizon 2020 OpenSuperQ, 820363. Horizon 2020 Qombs, 820419. Horizon 2020 CiViQ, 820466. Horizon 2020 QUANGO, 101004341. EMPIR MeTISQ, 19NRM06. EMPIR QADeT, 20IND05. EMPIR Quantum, 19NET02. Horizon Europe 2023, 951972. UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, UK department for Business Energy and Industral Strategy (BEIS). Stichting Quantum Delta Netherlands, Groeifonds.
KeyWords: Quantum technologies; Standardisation; CEN-CENELEC; Roadmap; Review; Quantum computing; Quantum communication; Quantum metrology; Focus group on quantum technologies; FGQT
DOI: 10.1140/epjqt/s40507-022-00150-1

ImpactFactor: 5.300
Citations: 14
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