Thermal properties of MB2-WC (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) and tungsten and their stability after deuterium plasma exposure
Year: 2024
Authors: Galizia P., Uccello A., Ghezzi F., Labate L., Tiribilli B., Hanzel O., Salvadori M., Brandi F., Failla S., Melandri C., Cremona A., Pedroni M., De Angeli M., Cippo EP., Gizzi L.A., Tatarko P., Sciti D.
Autors Affiliation: CNR ISSMC, Inst Sci Technol & Sustainabil Ceram, Natl Res Council Italy, Via Granarolo 64, I-48018 Faenza, Italy; CNR ISTP, Inst Plasma Sci & Technol, Natl Res Council Italy, Via R Cozzi 53, I-20125 Milan, Italy; CNR INO, Natl Inst Opt, Natl Res Council Italy, Via Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa, Italy; CNR ISC, Inst Complex Syst, Natl Res Council Italy, Via Madonna Piano 10, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; Slovak Acad Sci, Inst Inorgan Chem, IIC SAS, Dubravska Cesta 9, Bratislava 84536, Slovakia.
Abstract: The thermal properties of ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) in the MB2-WC (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) system and tungsten were studied for potential application as plasma-facing materials in fusion power plants. The sintered UHTC and tungsten samples were subjected to deuterium plasma or protons irradiation. Thermal diffusivity was measured using the laser flash method, and superficial thermal conductivity was analyzed through atomic force microscopy. Results showed that the thermal properties did not degrade when exposed to relevant environments and remained stable over a range of temperatures, unlike the reference tungsten material. Thermal conductivity ranged from 61 to 68 W m(-1) K-1 for TiB2-2(WC-6Co), from 53 to 63 W m(-1) K-1 for ZrB2-6WC, from 67 to 75 W m(-1) K-1 for HfB2-6WC, and from 180 to 119 W m(-1) K-1 for tungsten across the temperature range from room temperature to 1200 degrees C. The increasing trend of thermal effusivity, over 19000 J s(-0.5) m(-2) K-1 at 1200 degrees C, justifies further testing and of UHTC materials for fusion applications.
Journal/Review: OPEN CERAMICS
Volume: 20 Pages from: 100696-1 to: 100696-9
More Information: The research leading to these results has received funding from the joint research agreement ENI-CNR on nuclear fusion energy (CUPB34I19003070007, CNR DFM.AD006.155 JRA ENI-CNR – CdR FUSIONE) . P.T and O.H. acknowledge the support of the project APVV-21-0402 and JRP SAV TUBITAK project No. 720464. L.L., M.S., F.B. and L.A.G. acknowledge support from the following projects: CNR-funded Italian research network ELI-Italy (D.M. No. 631 08.08.2016) ; EU NextGeneration EU Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Photonic and Quantum Sciences, I-PHOQS (IR0000016, ID D2B8D520, and CUP B53C22001750006) , and EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources, EuAPS (IR0000030 and CUP I93C21000160006) . The authors are grateful to the JECS Trust for funding the visit of Pietro Galizia to Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (Contract No. 2023375) . P.G. and B.T. acknowledge the project Change the Game: Playing to be Trained for the Challenges of a Sustainable Society , funded by progettidiricerca@CNR, which provided the opportunity, during a meeting on developing serious games with LEGO (R), for BT to present the LEGO (R) AFM. This inspired the design of the thermal con-ductivity experiments using AFM, which were ultimately conducted by BT (playing) with a professional instrument.KeyWords: Tungsten; Ultra-high temperature ceramic; Plasma-facing material; Deuterium ion irradiation; Thermal conductivity; Thermal effusivityDOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2024.100696Citations: 1data from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) are update at: 2025-03-09References taken from IsiWeb of Knowledge: (subscribers only)