Multispectral imaging fluorescence microscopy for lymphoid tissue analysis

Year: 1999

Authors: Monici M., Agati G., Fusi F., Mazzinghi P., Romano S., Pratesi R., Alterini R., Bemabei P.A., Rigacci L.

Autors Affiliation: Istituto di Elettronica Quantistica -CNR, via Panciatichi 56/30, Sezione IINFM di Firenze, 50127 Florence, Italy;
CEO – Consorzio di Eccellenza Optronica, Sezione INFM di Firenze, Florence, Italy;
Dip. di Fisiopatologia Clinica, Univ. of Florence, Sezione 1NFM di Firenze, Florence, Italy;
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy;
Dip. di Fisica, Univ. of Florence and Area della Ricerca CNR, Sezione INFM di Firenze, Florence,Italy;
Divisione di Ematologia, Policlinico di Careggi, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Abstract: Multispectral imaging autofluorescence microscopy (MIAM) is used here for the analysis of lymphatic tissues. Lymph node biopsies, from patients with lymphadenopathy of different origin have been examined. Natural fluorescence (NF) images of 3 µm sections were obtained using three filters peaked at 450, 550 and 680 nm with 50 nm bandpass. Monochrome images were combined together in a single RGB image. NF images of lymph node tissue sections show intense blue-green fluorescence of the connective stroma. Normal tissue shows follicles with faintly fluorescent lymphocytes, as expected from the morphologic and functional characteristics of these cells. Other more fluorescent cells (i.e. plasma cells and macrophages) are evidenced. Intense green fluorescence is localized in the inner wall of the vessels. Tissues coming from patients affected by Hodgkin

Conference title:

KeyWords: Fluorescence; Optical microscopy; Tissue, Multispectral fluorescence microscopy; Natural fluorescence; Medical imaging

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