A Performance Comparison of 3D Survey Instruments for Their Application in the Cultural Heritage Field

Year: 2024

Authors: Lunghi I., Vannini E., Dal Fovo A., Di Sarno V., Rocco A., Fontana R.

Autors Affiliation: Natl Inst Opt CNR INO, Natl Res Council, Largo E Fermi 6, I-50125 Florence, Italy; Natl Inst Opt CNR INO, Natl Res Council, Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078 Pozzuoli, NA, Italy.

Abstract: Thanks to the recent development of innovative instruments and software with high accuracy and resolution, 3D modelling provides useful insights in several sectors (from industrial metrology to cultural heritage). Moreover, the 3D reconstruction of objects of artistic interest is becoming mandatory, not only because of the risks to which works of art are increasingly exposed (e.g., wars and climatic disasters) but also because of the leading role that the virtual fruition of art is taking. In this work, we compared the performance of four 3D instruments based on different working principles and techniques (laser micro-profilometry, structured-light topography and the phase-shifting method) by measuring four samples of different sizes, dimensions and surface characteristics. We aimed to assess the capabilities and limitations of these instruments to verify their accuracy and the technical specifications given in the suppliers“ data sheets. To this end, we calculated the point densities and extracted several profiles from the models to evaluate both their lateral (XY) and axial (Z) resolution. A comparison between the nominal resolution values and those calculated on samples representative of cultural artefacts was used to predict the performance of the instruments in real case studies. Overall, the purpose of this comparison is to provide a quantitative assessment of the performance of the instruments that allows for their correct application to works of art according to their specific characteristics.

Journal/Review: SENSORS

Volume: 24 (12)      Pages from: 3876-1  to: 3876-18

More Information: The purchase of the instruments was funded by MIUR (Ministero dell“Universitą e della Ricerca) in the framework of the SHINE project (Strengthening the Italian Nodes of E-RIHS, AzioneII.1-PON R&I 2014-2020, D.D. n. 424 del 28/02/2018, PIR01_00016, CUP B27E19000030007). The research was funded by CIR01_00016 SHINE Project-Potenziamento dei nodi italiani in E-RIHS-Rafforzamento del capitale umano-CUP B82F20000810001; PNRR H2IOSC (Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud) Project (IR0000029)-CUP_B63C22000730005, funded by NextGeneration EU. The contents reflect only the authors“ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
KeyWords: micro-profilometry; structured-light; phase-shift technique; 3D point cloud processing; depth resolution; profiling
DOI: 10.3390/s24123876

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