Deployable, lightweight and large aperture spaceborne telescope for LIDAR based earth observations

Year: 2007

Authors: Mazzinghi P., Bratina V., Ferruzzi D., Gambicorti L., Simonetti F., Zuccaro Marchi A., Salinari P., Lisi F., Olivier M., Bursi A., Gallieni D., Biasi R., Pereira J.

Autors Affiliation: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy;
INAF, Arcetri Astrophysics Observatory;
Carlo Gavazzi Space (CGS);
ADS International (ADS);
Microgate (MG;
European Space Agency (ESA)

Abstract: This paper describes an innovative approach for a new generation of large aperture, deployable telescopes for advanced space LIDAR applications, using the thin active mirror technology. The overall telescope design is presented with a special attention to the optical performances analysis. The mechanical layout with details of the deployment and baffling technique is shown; the complete satellite thermo-elastic analysis mapping the primary mirror deformation due to the thermal loads is presented; the control system architecture is explained and the optical design including the angular and spatial resolution, effective optical aperture and radiometric transmission, optical alignment tolerances, straylight and baffling is deeply discussed. Finally an overview of different mission profiles that this technology can satisfy is presented; the imaging performances can be achieved using the shown technology tuning the surface control to higher performances.

Conference title:

More Information: The authors are grateful to the Europe Space Agency (ESA) for the opportunity offered to develop this research under the contract AO/1-4629/NL/CP. The authors are grateful to the ADS International SRL for picture on the actuator
KeyWords: Control system analysis; Mirrors; Optical design; Optical telescopes; Remote sensing; Satellite observatories; Space optics; Technology, Active control system; Active mirrors; Advanced LIDAR; Control system architectures; Deployable telescopes; Deployable thin primary; Earth observations; Imaging performance; Innovative approaches; Large aperture telescopes; Large apertures; Mechanical layouts; Mission profiles; Optical alignments; Optical apertures; Optical performance; Primary mirrors; Space lidars; Space-borne; Spatial resolutions; Stray-light; Surface controls; Telescope designs; Thermo-elastic analysis, Optical radar
DOI: 10.1117/12.737853

Citations: 2
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