Publisher Correction: Revealing membrane alteration in cells overexpressing CA IX and EGFR by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (1832), 10.1038/s41598-018-37997-3)

Year: 2019

Authors: Rusciano G., Sasso E., Capaccio A., Zambrano N., Sasso A.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Phys E Pancini, Complesso Univ Monte S Angelo,Via Cintia, I-80126 Naples, Italy; Natl Res Council CNR, Natl Inst Opt INO, Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078 Pozzuoli, NA, Italy; Univ Naples Federico II, Dept Mol Med & Med Biotechnol, Via S Pansini 5, I-80131 Naples, Italy; CEINGE Adv Biotechnol SCaRL, Via G Salvatore 486, I-80145 Naples, Italy; Nouscom SRL, Rome, Italy

Abstract: Correction


Volume: 9      Pages from: 9001  to: 9001

KeyWords: Raman Scattering
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45208-w

ImpactFactor: 3.998
Citations: 2
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