Valutazione dei processi dinamici dei vulcani esplosivi e loro correlazione con i movimenti franosi di versante anche ai fini della previsione della possibile generazione di maremoti.


Funded by: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli studi di Firenze  
Calls: Programma Quadro tra DST e il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della P. C.M.
Start date: 2006-03-22  End date: 2009-03-21
Total Budget: EUR 90.000,00  INO share of the total budget: EUR 90.000,00
Scientific manager: Ripepe Maurizio   and for INO is: Ciamberlini Claudio

Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli studi di Firenze

other Organization/Institution/Company involved:

other INO’s people involved:
Poggi Pasquale

Abstract: Recent technological developments allow to carry out the monitoring of natural phenomena associated with the activity of explosive volcanoes, through extremely innovative techniques. The Department of Earth Sciences of Florence recently appointed by the Department of Civil Protection National Center of Competence for monitoring the explosive dynamics (see Decree no. 252 of 26 January 2005 the Presidency of the Council of Ministers) has the task of developing monitoring systems the possible effects of the tsunami caused by volcanic activity. To this end, the Department has entered into an agreement with the INOA for the construction and development of the following applications:
– Design, construction and development of a detection system ultrasonic motions marine to monitor any signs of tsunami. The system will be totally autonomous and energy. Data should be sampled at a rate of at least 1 second, and contain all information pertaining to the proper assessment of the waves and the management of the station.
– Design, implementation and development of a detection system to monitor the speed of the gases to escape. The measure of the rate of leakage of gas during a volcanic explosion allows to estimate the possible areas of relapse of lapilli and then provides the key to estimate the extent of the areas at risk. The developed system must be constructed so as to withstand the environmental conditions typical of hostile areas crater. The system requires a low power and will have to be based on ‘Doppler’ effect.
– Design and implementation of an infrasonic detection system based on fiber optic technology to monitor volcanic phenomena.

INO’s Experiments/Theoretical Study correlated:

The Scientific Results:
1) Radon surveys and real-time monitoring at Stromboli volcano: Influence of soil temperature, atmospheric pressure and tidal forces on Rn-222 degassing
2) Infrasonic arrays monitoring italian volcanoes