2) Coherent Control of Dressed Matter Waves in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Zenesini A., Lignier H., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E. Year: 2009 (IF.: 7.328 Cit.: 276 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.100403)
3) Observation of photon-assisted tunneling in optical lattices in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Sias C., Lignier H., Singh Y.P., Zenesini A., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E. Year: 2008 (IF.: 7.180 Cit.: 214 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.040404)
4) Exploring dynamic localization with a Bose-Einstein condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Eckardt A., Holthaus M., Lignier H., Zenesini A., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E. Year: 2009 (IF.: 2.866 Cit.: 188 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.013611)
5) Universality of the Three-Body Parameter for Efimov States in Ultracold Cesium in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Berninger M., Zenesini A., Huang B., Harm W., Nagerl H.-C., Ferlaino F., Grimm R., Julienne P.S., Hutson J.M. Year: 2011 (IF.: 7.370 Cit.: 183 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.120401)
6) Efimov Resonances in Ultracold Quantum Gases in FEW-BODY SYSTEMSBy: Ferlaino F., Zenesini A., Berninger M., Huang B., Nagerl, H.C., Grimm R. Year: 2011 (IF.: 1.438 Cit.: 120 DOI: 10.1007/s00601-011-0260-7)
7) Time-Resolved Measurement of Landau-Zener Tunneling in Periodic Potentials in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Zenesini A., Lignier H., Tayebirad G., Radogostowicz J., Ciampini D., Mannella R., Wimberger S., Morsch O., Arimondo E. Year: 2009 (IF.: 7.328 Cit.: 111 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.090403)
8) Resonantly enhanced tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic potentials in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Sias C., Zenesini A., Lignier H., Wimberger S., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E. Year: 2007 (IF.: 6.944 Cit.: 95 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.120403)
9) Feshbach resonances, weakly bound molecular states, and coupled-channel potentials for cesium at high magnetic fields in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Berninger M., Zenesini A., Huang B., Harm W., Nagerl, H.C., Ferlaino F., Grimm R., Julienne P.S., Hutson J.M., Year: 2013 (IF.: 2.991 Cit.: 85 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.032517)
10) Ultracold Gas of Bosonic (NaK)-Na-23-K-39 Ground-State Molecules in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Voges Kai K., Gersema P., Borgloh MMZ., Schulze TA., Hartmann T., Zenesini A., Ospelkaus S. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 83 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.083401)