BackAuthor: Gandolfi Marco Category: Papers Journals 1) Thermal dynamics and electronic temperature waves in layered correlated materials in NATURE COMMUNICATIONSBy: Mazza G.; Gandolfi M.; Capone M.; Banfi F.; Giannetti C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 17.694 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27081-2)
2) Temperonic Crystal: A Superlattice for Temperature Waves in Graphene in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Gandolfi M., Giannetti C., Banfi F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.265901)
3) Optical wavelength dependence of photoacoustic signal of gold nanofluid in PHOTOACOUSTICSBy: Gandolfi M., Banfi F., Glorieux C. Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.484 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2020.100199)
4) Reconfigurable nonlinear response of dielectric and semiconductor metasurfaces in NANOPHOTONICSBy: Carletti L., Gandolfi M., Rocco D., Tognazzi A., De Ceglia D., Vincenti M.A., De Angelis C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 7.923 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2021-0367)
5) Ultrafast nano generation of acoustic waves in water via a single carbon nanotube in PHOTOACOUSTICSBy: Diego M., Gandolfi M., Casto A., Bellussi FM., Vialla F., Crut A., Roddaro S., Fasano M., Vallee F., Del Fatti N., Maioli P., Banfi F. Year: 2022 (IF.: 7.900 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2022.100407)
6) Fundamental limits for transmission modulation in VO2 metasurfaces in PHOTONICS RESEARCHBy: Li BH., Camacho-Morales R., Li N., Tognazzi A., Gandolfi M., De Ceglia D., De Angelis C., Sukhorukov AA., Neshev DN. Year: 2023 (IF.: 6.600 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.474328)
7) Light-Assisted Resistance Collapse in a V2O3-Based Mott-Insulator Device in PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIEDBy: Ronchi A., Franceschini P., Homm P., Gandolfi M., Ferrini G., Pagliara S., Banfi F., Menghini M., Locquet J-P, Giannetti C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 4.931 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.044023)
8) Time-resolved thermal lens investigation of glassy dynamics in supercooled liquids: Theory and experiments in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSBy: Zhang P.; Gandolfi M.; Banfi F.; Glorieux C.; Liu L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 4.304 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1063/5.0060310)
9) Revisiting impulsive stimulated thermal scattering in supercooled liquids: Relaxation of specific heat and thermal expansion in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICSBy: Gandolfi M., Liu L., Zhang P., Kouyate M., Salenbien R., Banfi F., Glorieux C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 4.304 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1063/5.0063805)
10) Discrimination of nano-objects via cluster analysis techniques applied to time-resolved thermo-acoustic microscopy in ULTRASONICSBy: Ronchi A., Sterzi A., Gandolfi M., Belarouci A., Giannetti C., Fatti N.D., Banfi F., Ferrini G. Year: 2021 (IF.: 4.062 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2021.106403)
11) Tuning photoacoustics with nanotransducers via thermal boundary resistance and laser pulse duration in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERSBy: Diego M., Gandolfi M., Giordano S., Vialla F., Crut A., Vallye F., Maioli P., Del Fatti N., Banfi F. Year: 2022 (IF.: 4.000 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1063/5.0135147)
12) Opto-thermally controlled beam steering in nonlinear all-dielectric metastructures in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Rocco D.; Gandolfi M.; Tognazzi A.; Pashina O.; Zograf G.; Frizyuk K.; Gigli C.; Leo G.; Makarov S.; Petrov M.; De Angelis C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.833 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1364/OE.440564)
13) Ultrafast Photoacoustic Nanometrology of InAs Nanowires Mechanical Properties in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CBy: Gandolfi M.; Peli S.; Diego M.; Danesi S.; Giannetti C.; Alessandri I.; Zannier V.; Demontis V.; Rocci M.; Beltram F.; Sorba L.; Roddaro S.; Rossella F.; Banfi F. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.700 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01060)
14) Photo-induced heat generation in non-plasmonic nanoantennas in PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICSBy: Danesi S., Gandolfi M., Carletti L., Bontempi N., De Angelis C., Banfi F., Alessandri I. Year: 2018 (IF.: 3.567 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1039/c8cp01919c)
15) Near to short wave infrared light generation through AlGaAs-on-insulator nanoantennas in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Gandolfi M., Carletti L., Tognazzi A., Cino AC., De Angelis C., Guasoni M. Year: 2023 (IF.: 3.200 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1364/OE.498592)
16) Transient guided-mode resonance metasurfaces with phase-transition materials in OPTICS LETTERSBy: De Ceglia D., Gandolfi M., Vincenti MA., Tognazzi A., Franceschini P., Cino AC., Ambrosio G., Baratto C., Li BH., Camacho-Morales R., Neshev DN., De Angelis C. Year: 2023 (IF.: 3.100 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1364/OL.486733)
17) Optical tuning of dielectric nanoantennas for thermo-optically reconfigurable nonlinear metasurfaces in OPTICS LETTERSBy: Celebrano M., Rocco D., Gandolfi M., Zilli A., Rusconi F., Tognazzi A., Mazzanti A., Ghirardini L., Pogna EAA., Carletti L., Baratto C., Marino G., Gigli C., Biagioni P., Dut L., Cerullo G., Leo G., Della Valle G., Finazzi M., De Angelis C. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.000 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1364/OL.420790)
18) Near-unity third-harmonic circular dichroism driven by a quasibound state in the continuum in asymmetric silicon metasurfaces in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Gandolfi M., Tognazzi A., Rocco D., De Angelis C., Carletti L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.971 Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.104.023524)
19) Opto-thermal dynamics of thin-film optical limiters based on the VO2 phase transition in OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESSBy: Tognazzi Andrea; Gandolfi Marco; Li Bohan; Ambrosio Gina; Franceschini Paolo; Camacho-Morales Rocio; Cino Alfonso Carmelo; Baratto Camilla; de Ceglia Domenico; Neshev Dragomir; De Angelis Costantino Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.800 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1364/OME.472347)
20) Modelling and nanofabrication of chiral dielectric metasurfaces in MICRO AND NANO ENGINEERINGBy: Fagiani L., Gandolfi M., Carletti L., De Angelis C., Osmond J., Bollani M. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.800 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1016/j.mne.2023.100187)
21) Optical constants of germanium antimony telluride (GST) in amorphous, crystalline, and intermediate states in OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESSBy: Frantz JA., Myers JD., Clabeau A., Bekele RY., Hong NA., Vincenti MA., Gandolfi M., Sanghera JS. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.800 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1364/OME.506019)
22) Second Harmonic Emission From Dielectric Nanoresonators in the Absorption Regime in IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERSBy: Tognazzi A., Franceschini P., Rocco D., Carletti L., Locatelli A., Gandolfi M., Zappa D., Cino AC., Comini E., Leo G., De Angelis C. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.300 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3260878)
23) Optical Limiting Sensor Based on Multilayer Optimization of Ag/VO2 Phase Change Material in IEEE SENSORS LETTERSBy: Baratto C., Gandolfi M., Tognazzi A., Franceschini P., Ambrosio G., Li B., Morales RC., De Ceglia D., Cino AC., Neshev DN., De Angelis C. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.200 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3300801)
24) High Quality Factor Silicon Membrane Metasurface for Intensity-Based Refractive Index Sensing in OPTICSBy: Tognazzi A., Rocco D., Gandolfi M., Locatelli A., Carletti L., De Angelis C., Bertolotti M. Year: 2021 (Cit.: 25 DOI: 10.3390/opt2030018)
25) Fabrication of 1 x N integrated power splitters with arbitrary power ratio for single and multimode photonics in NANOPHOTONICSBy: Haines J., Vitali V., Bottrill K., Naik PU., Gandolfi M., De Angelis C., Franz Y., Lacava C., Petropoulos P., Guasoni M. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0694)
26) LiNbO3 and AlGaAs on-insulator platforms for second-harmonic generation: Comparison and perspectives in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Haines J., Naik P.U., Guasoni M., Gandolfi M. Year: 2025 ( DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.013515)
27) Dynamic light-driven metasurface: Harnessing quasibound states in the continuum for laser-induced selective crystallization in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Gandolfi M., Flores MES., Frantz J., Myers J., Bekele R., Sanghera J., Clabeau A., Litchinitser NM., Vincenti MA. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.013510)
28) Simplifying asynchronous optical sampling: an experimental approach toward industrial integration exploiting lock-in acquisition in APPLIED OPTICSBy: Peli S., Tognazzi A., Franceschini P., Gandolfi M., Giannetti C., Ferrini G., Banfi F. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1364/AO.525546)