BackAuthor: Bruno Natalia Category: Papers Journals 1) Displacement of entanglement back and forth between the micro and macro domains in NATURE PHYSICSBy: Bruno N., Martin A., Sekatski P., Sangouard N., Thew R.T., Gisin N. Year: 2013 (IF.: 20.603 Cit.: 78 DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2681)
2) Integrated AlGaAs source of highly indistinguishable and energy-time entangled photons in OPTICABy: Autebert C., Bruno N., Martin A., Lemaitre A., Carbonell C.G., Favero I., Leo G., Zbinden H., Ducci S. Year: 2016 (IF.: 7.727 Cit.: 52 DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.3.000143)
3) Hyperentangled Mixed Phased Dicke States: Optical Design and Detection in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Chiuri A., Vallone G., Bruno N., Macchiavello C., Bruss D., Mataloni P. Year: 2010 (IF.: 7.622 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.250501)
4) Towards European standards for quantum technologies in EPJ QUANTUM TECHNOLOGYBy: van Deventer O., Spethmann N., Loeffler M., Amoretti M., van den Brink R., Bruno N., Comi P., Farrugia N., Gramegna M., Jenet A., Kassenberg B., Kozlowski W., Ldnger T., Lindstrom T., Martin V., Neumann N., Papadopoulos H., Pascazio S., Peev M., Pitwon R., Rol M.A., Traina P., Venderbosch P., Wilhelm-Mauch F.K. Year: 2022 (IF.: 5.300 Cit.: 14 DOI: 10.1140/epjqt/s40507-022-00150-1)
5) Experimental Quantum Embedding for Machine Learning in ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIESBy: Gianani I.; Mastroserio I.; Buffoni L.; Bruno N.; Donati L.; Cimini V.; Barbieri M.; Cataliotti F.S.; Caruso F. Year: 2022 (IF.: 4.400 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1002/qute.202100140)
6) Mid-infrared homodyne balanced detector for quantum light characterization in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Gabbrielli T., Cappelli F., Bruno N., Corrias N., Borri S., De Natale P., Zavatta A. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.800 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1364/OE.420990)
7) Intensity Correlations in Quantum Cascade Laser Harmonic Frequency Combs in ADVANCED PHOTONICS RESEARCHBy: Gabbrielli T., Bruno N., Corrias N., Borri S., Consolino L., Bertrand M., Shahmohammadi M., Franckie M., Beck M., Faist J., Zavatta A., Cappelli F., De Natale P. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.700 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1002/adpr.202200162)
8) A complete characterization of the heralded noiseless amplification of photons in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Bruno N., Pini V., Martin A., Thew R.T. Year: 2013 (IF.: 3.671 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/093002)
9) Maltese cross coupling to individual cold atoms in free space in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Bruno N., Bianchet L.C., Prakash V., Li N., Alves N., Mitchell M.W. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.669 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.031042)
10) Narrowband photon pairs with independent frequency tuning for quantum light-matter interactions in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Prakash V., Bianchet L.C., Cuairan M.T., Gomez P., Bruno N., Mitchell M.W. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.669 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1364/OE.382474)
11) High efficiency coupling of photon pairs in practice in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Guerreiro T., Martin A., Sanguinetti B., Bruno N., Zbinden H., Thew R.T. Year: 2013 (IF.: 3.525 Cit.: 33 DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.027641)
12) Pulsed source of spectrally uncorrelated and indistinguishable photons at telecom wavelengths in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Bruno N., Martin A., Guerreiro T., Sanguinetti B., Thew R.T. Year: 2014 (IF.: 3.488 Cit.: 57 DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.017246)
13) Heralded amplification of photonic qubits in OPTICS EXPRESSBy: Bruno N., Pini V., Martin A., Verma V.B., Nam S.W., Mirin R., Lita A., Marsili F., Korzh B., Bussières F., Sangouard N., Zbinden H., Gisin N., Thew R. Year: 2016 (IF.: 3.307 Cit.: 23 DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.000125)
14) Heralded photon amplification for quantum communication in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Osorio C.I., Bruno N., Sangouard N., Zbinden H., Gisin N., Thew R.T. Year: 2012 (IF.: 3.042 Cit.: 87 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.023815)
15) Experimental realization of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a six-qubit cluster state in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Vallone G., Donati G., Bruno N., Chiuri A., Mataloni P. Year: 2010 (IF.: 2.861 Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.050302)
16) Generation of tunable wavelength coherent states and heralded single photons for quantum optics applications in OPTICS COMMUNICATIONSBy: Bruno N., Martin A., Thewn R.T. Year: 2014 (IF.: 1.449 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.02.025)
17) Simple, pulsed, polarization entangled photon pair source in OPTICS COMMUNICATIONSBy: Bruno N., Cruzeiro E.Z., Martin A., Thew R.T. Year: 2014 (IF.: 1.449 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2014.02.024)