
Author: Allegra Mascaro Anna Letizia Category: Papers Journals 

1) In vivo single branch axotomy induces GAP-43-dependent sprouting and synaptic remodeling in cerebellar cortex in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
By: Allegra Mascaro A.L., Cesare P., Sacconi L., Grasselli G., Mandolesi G., Maco B., Knott G.W., Huang L., De Paola V., Strata P., Pavone FS. Year: 2013 (IF.: 9.809 Cit.: 92 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219256110)

2) Advanced fluorescence microscopy for in vivo imaging of neuronal activity in OPTICA
By: Sancataldo Giuseppe; Silvestri Ludovico; Mascaro Anna Letizia Allegra; Sacconi Leonardo; Pavone Francesco Saverio Year: 2019 (IF.: 9.778 Cit.: 29 DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.6.000758)

3) Large-scale all-optical dissection of motor cortex connectivity shows a segregated organization of mouse forelimb representations in CELL REPORTS
By: Resta F., Montagni E., de Vito G., Scaglione A., Mascaro ALA., Pavone FS. Year: 2022 (IF.: 8.800 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111627)

4) Combined Rehabilitation Promotes the Recovery of Structural and Functional Features of Healthy Neuronal Networks after Stroke in CELL REPORTS
By: Allegra Mascaro LM., Conti E., Lai S., Di Giovanna AP., Spalletti C., Alia C., Panarese A., Scaglione A., Sacconi L., Micera S., Caleo M., Pavone FS. Year: 2019 (IF.: 8.109 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.08.062)

5) Inferring network structure and local dynamics from neuronal patterns with quenched disorder in CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS
By: Adam I., Cecchini G., Fanelli D., Kreuz T., Livi R., di Volo M., Mascaro Allegra AL., Conti E., Scaglione A., Silvestri L., Pavone FS. Year: 2020 (IF.: 5.994 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110235)

6) A versatile clearing agent for multi-modal brain imaging in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Costantini I., Ghobril J.P., Di Giovanna A.P., Allegra Mascaro A. L., Silvestri L., Müllenbroich M.C., Onofri L., Conti V., Vanzi F., Sacconi L., Guerrini R., Markram H., Iannello G., Pavone F.S. Year: 2015 (IF.: 5.228 Cit.: 193 DOI: 10.1038/srep09808)

7) Combining Optogenetic Stimulation and Motor Training Improves Functional Recovery and Perilesional Cortical Activity in NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR
By: Conti E., Scaglione A., de Vito G., Calugi F., Pasquini M., Pizzorusso T., Micera S., Mascaro ALA., Pavone FS. Year: 2022 (IF.: 4.200 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1177/15459683211056656)

8) Whole-Brain Vasculature Reconstruction at the Single Capillary Level in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Di Giovanna A.P., Tibo A., Silvestri L., Muellenbroich M.C., Costantini I., Allegra Mascaro A.L., Sacconi L., Frasconi P., Pavone F.S. Year: 2018 (IF.: 4.011 Cit.: 88 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30533-3)

9) Publisher Correction: Whole-Brain Vasculature Reconstruction at the Single Capillary Level (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (12573), 10.1038/s41598-018-30533-3) in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
By: Di Giovanna A.P., Tibo A., Silvestri L., Mullenbroich M.C., Costantini I., Allegra Mascaro A.L., Sacconi L., Frasconi P., Pavone F.S. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.998 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42216-8)

10) Correlative two-photon and light sheet microscopy in METHODS
By: Silvestri L., Allegra Mascaro A. M., Costantini I., Sacconi L., Pavone F. S. Year: 2014 (IF.: 3.645 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2013.06.013)

11) Two-Photon Microscopy Imaging of thy1GFP-M Transgenic Mice: A Novel Animal Model to Investigate Brain Dendritic Cell Subsets In Vivo in PLOS ONE
By: Laperchia C., Allegra Mascaro A.L., Sacconi L., Andrioli A., Mattè A., De Franceschi L., Grassi-Zucconi G., Bentivoglio M., Buffelli M., Pavone FS. Year: 2013 (IF.: 3.534 Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056144)

12) Label-free near-infrared reflectance microscopy as a complimentary tool for two-photon fluorescence brain imaging in BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Allegra Mascaro A.L., Costantini I., Margoni E., Iannello G., Bria A., Sacconi L., Pavone F.S. Year: 2015 (IF.: 3.344 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1364/BOE.6.004483)

13) Multi-Modal Optical Imaging of the Cerebellum in Animals in CEREBELLUM
By: Allegra Mascaro A.L., Sacconi L., Silvestri. L., Knott G., Pavone F.S. Year: 2016 (IF.: 3.234 DOI: 10.1007/s12311-015-0730-4)

14) Wide-field imaging of cortical neuronal activity with red-shifted functional indicators during motor task execution in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS
By: Montagni E., Resta F., Conti E., Scaglione A., Pasquini M., Micera S., Allegra Mascaro, AL., Pavone FS. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.169 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aaf26c)

15) Latency correction in sparse neuronal spike trains in JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS
By: Kreuz T., Senocrate F., Cecchini G., Checcucci C., Mascaro ALA., Conti E., Scaglione A., Pavone FS. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.000 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2022.109703)

16) Tracking the Effect of Therapy With Single-Trial Based Classification After Stroke in FRONTIERS IN SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE
By: Scaglione A., Conti E., Mascaro ALA., Pavone FS. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.000 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.840922)

17) Photothrombotic Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Mice: A Novel Model of Ischemic Stroke in ENEURO
By: Conti E., Carlini N., Piccardi B., Mascaro ALA., Pavone FS. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.700 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0244-22.2022)

18) Towards a comprehensive understanding of brain machinery by correlative microscopy in JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS
By: Allegra Mascaro A. M., Silvestri L., Sacconi L., Pavone F. S. Year: 2015 (IF.: 2.556 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.6.061105)

19) Breakthroughs in Photonics 2012: Nonlinear Laser Imaging for Neuroscience in IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
By: Allegra Mascaro A. L., Silvestri L., Sacconi L., Pavone F.S. Year: 2013 (IF.: 2.330 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2013.2250941)

20) Optogenetics in Brain Research: From a Strategy to Investigate Physiological Function to a Therapeutic Tool in PHOTONICS
By: Montagni E., Resta F., Allegra Mascaro AL., Pavone FS. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.140 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.3390/photonics6030092)

21) Laser Nanosurgery of Cerebellar Axons In Vivo in JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS
By: Allegra Mascaro A.L., Sacconi L., Pavone F.S. Year: 2014 (IF.: 1.325 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.3791/51371)

22) Advanced optical techniques to explore brain structure and function in JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE OPTICAL HEALTH SCIENCES
By: Silvestri L., Allegra Mascaro A.L., Lotti J., Sacconi L., Pavone F.S. Year: 2013 (IF.: 0.933 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1142/S1793545812300029)

23) A modular and adaptable analysis pipeline to compare slow cerebral rhythms across heterogeneous datasets in CELL REPORTS METHODS
By: Gutzen R., De Bonis G., De Luca C., Pastorelli E., Capone C., Mascaro ALA., Resta F., Manasanch A., Pavone FS., Sanchez-Vives MV., Mattia M., Gr’n S., Paolucci PS., Denker M. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100681)

24) Acute ischemic STROKE – From laboratory to the Patient´s BED (STROKELABED): A translational approach to reperfusion injury. Study Protocol in TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE
By: Sodero A., Conti E., Piccardi B., Sarti C., Palumbo V., Kennedy J., Gori AM., Giusti B., Fainardi E., Nencini P., Mascaro ALA., Pavone FS., Baldereschi M. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1515/tnsci-2022-0344)

25) Mapping brain state-dependent sensory responses across the mouse cortex in ISCIENCE
By: Montagni E., Resta F., Tort-Colet N., Scaglione A., Mazzamuto G., Destexhe A., Pavone FS., Mascaro ALA. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109692)