
TEN Papers with more Citations by Palchetti Luca

1) The far-infrared earth in REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS (1985)
By: Harries J., Carli B., Rizzi R., Serio C., Mlynczak M., Palchetti L., Maestri T., Brindley H., Masiello G. Year: 2008 (IF.: 7.114 Cit.: 89 DOI: 10.1029/2007RG000233)

2) FORUM Unique Far-Infrared Satellite Observations to Better Understand How Earth Radiates Energy to Space in BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
By: L. Palchetti; H. Brindley; R. Bantges; S. A. Buehler; C. Camy-Peyret; B. Carli; U. Cortesi; S. Del Bianco; G. Di Natale; B. M. Dinelli D. Feldman; X. L. Huang; L. C.-Labonnote; Q. Libois; T. Maestri; M. G. Mlynczak; J. E. Murray; H. Oetjen; M. Ridolfi; M. Riese; J. Russell; R. Saunders; C. Serio Year: 2020 (IF.: 8.766 Cit.: 50 DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0322.1)

3) Spectrally resolved observations of atmospheric emitted radiance in the H2O rotation band in GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
By: Bhawar R., Bianchini G., Bozzo A., Cacciani M., Calvello M.R., Carlotti M., Castagnoli F., Cuomo V., Di Girolamo P., Di Iorio T., Di Liberto L., di Sarra A., Esposito F., Fiocco G., Fuà D., Grieco G., Maestri T., Masiello G., Muscari G., Palchetti L., Papandrea E., Pavese G., Restieri R., Rizzi R., Romano F., Serio C., Summa D., Todini G., Tosi E. Year: 2008 (IF.: 2.959 Cit.: 43 DOI: 10.1029/2007GL032207)

4) Retrieval of foreign-broadened water vapor continuum coefficients from emitted spectral radiance in the H2O rotational band from 240 to 590 cm in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Serio C., Masiello G., Esposito F., Di Girolamo P., Di Iorio T., Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Muscari G., Pavese G., Rizzi R., Carli B., Cuomo V. Year: 2008 (IF.: 3.880 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1364/OE.16.015816)

5) Analysis of Water Vapor Absorption in the Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Regions Using Surface Radiometric Measurements From Extremely Dry Locations in JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
By: Mlawer E., Turner DD., Paine SN., Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Payne V. H., Cady-Pereira KE., Pernak RL., Alvarado MJ., Gombos D., Delamere JS., Mlynczak MG., Mast JC. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.821 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029508)

6) Far infrared radiative properties of water vapor and clouds in Antarctica in BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
By: Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Di Natale G., Del Guasta M. Year: 2015 (IF.: 7.929 Cit.: 33 DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00286.1)

7) Technical note: First spectral measurement of the Earth´s upwelling emission using an uncooled wideband Fourier transform spectrometer in ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
By: Palchetti L., Belotti C., Bianchini G., Castagnoli F., Carli B., Cortesi U., Pellegrini M., Camy-Peyret C., Jeseck P., Té Y. Year: 2006 (IF.: 4.362 Cit.: 32 DOI: 10.5194/acp-6-5025-2006)

8) Spectral noise due to sampling errors in Fourier-transform spectroscopy in APPLIED OPTICS
By: Palchetti L., Lastrucci D. Year: 2001 (IF.: 1.459 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1364/AO.40.003235)

9) Breadboard of a Fourier-transform spectrometer for the Radiation Explorer in the Far Infrared atmospheric mission in APPLIED OPTICS
By: Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Castagnoli F., Carli B., Serio C., Esposito F., Cuomo V., Rizzi R., Maestri T. Year: 2005 (IF.: 1.637 Cit.: 30 DOI: 10.1364/AO.44.002870)

10) Ground-based high spectral resolution observations of the entire terrestrial spectrum under extremely dry conditions in GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
By: Turner D. D., Mlawer E. J., Bianchini G., Cadeddu M. P., Crewell S., Delamere J. S., Knuteson R. O., Maschwitz G., Mlynzcak M., Paine S., Palchetti L., Tobin D. C. Year: 2012 (IF.: 3.982 Cit.: 29 DOI: 10.1029/2012GL051542)