
Author: Ferrara Paolo 

1) 3-D numerical simulation of Yb:YAG active slabs with longitudinal doping gradient for thermal load effects assessment in OPTICS EXPRESS
By: Ferrara P., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Hosta�a J., Labate L., Lapucci A., Pirri A., Toci G., Vannini M., Gizzi LA. Year: 2014 (IF.: 3.488 Cit.: 29 DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.005375)

2) Anvil-profiled penetrating keratoplasty: load resistance evaluation in BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
By: Canovetti A., Rossi F., Rossi M., Menabuoni L., Malandrini A., Pini R., Ferrara P. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.527 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1007/s10237-018-1083-y)

3) A New Line for Laser-Driven Light Ions Acceleration
and Related TNSA Studies
By: Gizzi LA., Giove D., Altana C., Brandi F., Cirrone G.A.P., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Koester P., Labate L., Lanzalone G., Londrillo P., Mascali D., Muoio A., Palla D., Schillaci F., Sinigardi S., Tudisco S., Turchetti G. Year: 2017 (IF.: 1.689 Cit.: 18 DOI: 10.3390/app7100984)

4) Effects of small misalignments on the intensity and Strehl ratio for a laser beam focused by an off-axis parabola in APPLIED OPTICS
By: Labate L., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Gizzi L.A. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.650 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.006506)

5) Investigation on target normal sheath acceleration through measurements of ions energy distribution in REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS
By: Tudisco S., Altana C., Lanzalone G., Muoio A., Cirrone GAP., Mascali D., Schillaci F., Brandi F., Cristoforetti G., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Koester P., Labate L., Palla D., Gizzi LA. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.515 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1063/1.4934691)

By: Gizzi LA., Altana, C., Brandi F., Cirrone P., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Lanzalone G., Londrillo P., Mascali D., Muoio A., Palla D., Schillaci F., Sinigardi S., Tudisco S., Turchetti G. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.362 Cit.: 15 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.01.036)

7) Investigation of ion acceleration mechanism through laser-matter interaction in femtosecond domain in NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
By: Altana C., Muoio A., Lanzalone G., Tudisco S., Brandi F., Cirrone G.A.P., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Mascali D., Palla D., Schillaci F., Gizzi LA. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.362 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.02.016)

8) Experimental investigation of ion production and acceleration mechanism in laser-produced plasma at moderate intensity for nuclear studies @ ELI-NP in JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION
By: Altana C., Tudisco S., Lanzalone G., Mascali D., Muoio A., Brandi F., Cristoforetti G., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Koester P., Labate L., Palla D., Gizzi LA. Year: 2017 (IF.: 1.258 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/04/C04011)

9) Characterization of Yb:YAG active slab media based on a layered structure with different doping in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Lapucci A., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Ferrara P., Gizzi LA., Hosta�a J., Labate L., Pirri A., Toci G., Vannini M. Year: 2013 (Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1117/12.2017380)

10) Modeling the load resistance in laser-assisted cornea transplantation in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Rossi F., Ferrara P., Rossi M., Pini R., Malandrini A., Canovetti A., Menabuoni L. Year: 2019 11) Investigation on the effects of laser‐plasma coupling
conditions and of foil thickness and composition in
Target Normal Sheat Acceleration
By: Gizzi LA., Altana C., Brandi F., Cirrone P., Cristoforetti G., Fazzi A., Ferrara P., Fulgentini L., Giove D., Koester P., Labate L., Lanzalone G., Londrillo P., Mascali D., Muoio A., Palla D., Schillaci F., Sinigardi S., Tudisco S., Turchetti G. Year: 2016 12) Laser and optical properties of Yb:YAG ceramics with layered doping distribution: design, characterization and evaluation of different production processes in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Toci G., Lapucci A., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Hosta�a J., Gizzi L. A., Labate L., Ferrara P., Pirri A., Vannini M. Year: 2016 13) Graded Yb:YAG ceramic structures: design, fabrication and characterization of the laser performances in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Toci G., Lapucci A., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Hosta�a J., Piancastelli A., Gizzi L. A., Labate L., Ferrara P., Pirri A., Vannini M. Year: 2015 14) Identification of pictorial materials by means of optimized multispectral reflectance image processing in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Pronti L., Ferrara P., Uccheddu F., Pelagotti A., Piva A. Year: 2015 15) Recent advancements in design and characterization of Yb-doped transparent ceramics for high power laser applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Toci G., Lapucci A., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Hostasa J., Gizzi L. A., Labate L., Ferrara P., Pirri A., Vannini M. Year: 2015 16) Laser-Plasma Acceleration and Radiation Sources for Applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Gizzi LA., Anania MP., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Ferrara P., Gatti G., Giulietti D., Grittani G., Hostasa J., Kando M., Krus M., Labate L., Lapucci A., Levato T., Oishi Y., Pirri A., Rossi F., Toci G., Vannini M. Year: 2013 ( DOI: 10.1109/CLEOPR.2013.6600069)

17) Yb:YAG structured ceramic slabs based on differently doped layers for high energy laser applications in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
By: Ferrara P., Ciofini M., Esposito L., Gizzi LA., Hostasa J., Labate L., Lapucci A., Pirri A., Toci G., Vannini M. Year: 2013