2) Entanglement-enhanced sensor networks in NATURE PHOTONICSBy: Pezzè L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 39.728 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1038/s41566-020-00755-x)
3) Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles in REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICSBy: Pezzé L., Smerzi A., Oberthaler M. K., Schmied R., Treutlein P. Year: 2018 (IF.: 38.296 Cit.: 962 DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.90.035005)
4) Fisher information and entanglement of non-Gaussian spin states in SCIENCEBy: Strobel H., Muessel W., Linnemann D., Zibold T., Hume D.B., Pezzè L., Smerzi A., Oberthaler M.K. Year: 2014 (IF.: 33.611 Cit.: 332 DOI: 10.1126/science.1250147)
5) Twin Matter Waves for Interferometry Beyond the Classical Limit in SCIENCEBy: Luecke B., Scherer M., Kruse J., Pezzè L., Deuretzbacher F., Hyllus P., Topic O., Peise J., Ertmer W., Arlt J., Santos L., Smerzi A., Klempt C. Year: 2011 (IF.: 31.201 Cit.: 351 DOI: 10.1126/science.1208798)
6) Quantum phase transitions with parity-symmetry breaking and hysteresis in NATURE PHYSICSBy: Trenkwalder A., Spagnolli G., Semeghini G., Coop S., Landini M., Castilho P., Pezzè L., Modugno G., Inguscio M., Smerzi A., Fattori M. Year: 2016 (IF.: 22.806 Cit.: 97 DOI: 10.1038/nphys3743)
7) Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical disordered potential in NATURE PHYSICSBy: Jendrzejewski F., Bernard A., Muller K., Cheinet P., Josse V., Piraud M., Pezzè L., Sanchez-Palencia L., Aspect A., Bouyer P. Year: 2012 (IF.: 19.352 Cit.: 328 DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2256)
8) Multiparameter squeezing for optimal quantum enhancements in sensor networks in NATURE COMMUNICATIONSBy: Gessner M., Smerzi A., Pezze L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 14.919 Cit.: 44 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17471-3)
9) Motional Fock states for quantum-enhanced amplitude and phase measurements with trapped ions in NATURE COMMUNICATIONSBy: Wolf Fabian; Shi Chunyan; Heip Jan C.; Gessner Manuel; Pezze Luca; Smerzi Augusto; Schulte Marius; Hammerer Klemens; Schmidt Piet O. Year: 2019 (IF.: 12.121 Cit.: 75 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10576-4)
10) Satisfying the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen criterion with massive particles in NATURE COMMUNICATIONSBy: Peise J., Kruse I., Lange K., Lucke B., Pezze L., Arlt J., Ertmer W., Hammerer K., Santos L., Smerzi A., Klempt C. Year: 2015 (IF.: 11.329 Cit.: 82 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9984)