BackAuthor: Salasnich Luca 1) Low-dimensional quantum gases in curved geometries in NATURE REVIEWS PHYSICSBy: Tononi A., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (IF.: 44.800 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1038/s42254-023-00591-2)
2) Zero-point energy of ultracold atoms in PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERSBy: Salasnich L., Toigo F. Year: 2016 (IF.: 17.425 Cit.: 51 DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2016.06.003)
3) Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Tononi A, Cinti F., Salasnich L. Year: 2020 (IF.: 9.161 Cit.: 37 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.010402)
4) Superfluid Filaments of Dipolar Bosons in Free Space in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Salasnich L., Cinti F., Cappellaro A., Macrì T. Year: 2017 (IF.: 8.839 Cit.: 44 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.215302)
5) Nonuniversal Equation of State of the Two-Dimensional Bose Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 8.839 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.130402)
6) Bose-Einstein Condensation on the Surface of a Sphere in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Tononi A., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 8.385 Cit.: 59 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.160403)
7) Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Paired Phase in Coupled XY Models in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Bighin G., Defenu N., Nandori I., Salasnich L., Trombettoni A. Year: 2019 (IF.: 8.385 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.100601)
8) Superfluidity Meets the Solid State: Frictionless Mass Transport through a (5,5) Carbon Nanotube in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Ambrosetti A., Silvestrelli PL., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (IF.: 8.100 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.206301)
9) 1/f(alpha) noise in spectral fluctuations of quantum systems in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Gomez J.M.G., Relano A., Retamosa J., Faleiro E., Salasnich L., Vranicar M., Robnik M. Year: 2005 (IF.: 7.489 Cit.: 72 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.084101)
10) Modulational instability and complex dynamics of confined matter-wave solitons in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSBy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2003 (IF.: 7.035 Cit.: 194 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.080405)
11) Shift of the critical temperature in superconductors: a self-consistent approach in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Salasnich L., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 4.379 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65790-8)
12) Topological superfluid transition in bubble-trapped condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHBy: Tononi A., Pelster A., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 4.200 Cit.: 20 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013122)
13) Equation of state and self-bound droplet in Rabi-coupled Bose mixtures in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Cappellaro A., Macri T., Bertacco GF., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 4.122 Cit.: 56 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13647-y)
14) Localized solutions of Lugiato-Lefever equations with focused pump in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Cardoso WB., Salasnich L., Malomed BA. Year: 2017 (IF.: 4.122 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16981-3)
15) Vortices and antivortices in two-dimensional ultracold Fermi gases in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Bighin G., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 4.122 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1038/srep45702)
16) Vortex lattice in the crossover of a Bose gas from weak coupling to unitarity in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Adhikari S.K., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 4.011 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-27146-1)
17) Quantum and thermal fluctuations in the dynamics of a resistively and capacitively shunted Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Furutani K., Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.908 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014519)
18) Finite-temperature quantum fluctuations in two-dimensional Fermi superfluids in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Salasnich L., Bighin G. Year: 2016 (IF.: 3.836 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.014519)
19) Localized-interaction-induced quantum reflection and filtering of bosonic matter in a one-dimensional lattice guide in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Barbiero L., Malomed BA., Salasnich L. Year: 2016 (IF.: 3.786 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/5/055007)
20) Condensation and superfluidity of dilute Bose gases with finite-range interaction in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Tononi A.; Cappellaro A.; Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 3.773 Cit.: 17 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aaf75e)
21) Collision of impurities with Bose-Einstein condensates in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Lingua F., Lepori L., Minardi F., Penna V., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 3.773 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aab1ae)
22) Dephasing-rephasing dynamics of one-dimensional tunneling quasicondensates in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L., Tononi A., Toigo F., Wimberger S., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.729 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab965d)
23) Soliton trains after interaction quenches in Bose mixtures in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Cidrim A., Salasnich L., Macri T. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.716 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abdbe2)
24) Sound modes in collisional superfluid Bose gases in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Furutani K.; Tononi A.; Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 3.716 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abed0c)
25) Quantum effective action for the bosonic Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Furutani K., Tempere J., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.700 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134510)
26) Bose-Einstein condensate in an elliptical waveguide in SCIPOST PHYSICS COREBy: Salasnich., L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 3.600 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.5.1.015)
27) Itinerant ferromagnetism of two-dimensional repulsive fermions with Rabi coupling in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Penna V., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 3.579 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/aa69fd)
28) Screening of pair fluctuations in superconductors with coupled shallow and deep bands: A route to higher-temperature superconductivity in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Salasnich L., Shanenko AA., Vagov A., Aguiar JA., Perali A. Year: 2019 (IF.: 3.575 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.064510)
29) Effective nonlinear Schrodinger equations for cigar-shaped and disc-shaped Fermi superfluids at unitarity in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Adhikari S.K., Salasnich L. Year: 2009 (IF.: 3.312 Cit.: 46 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/2/023011)
30) Josephson effect with superfluid fermions in the two-dimensional BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Pascucci F. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.013325)
31) Effective field theory of bosons with finite-range interaction in a disordered environment in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Cappellaro A. Year: 2020 (IF.: 3.140 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.053628)
32) Vector solitons in nearly one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Malomed B.A. Year: 2006 (IF.: 3.047 Cit.: 92 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.053610)
33) Expansion of a Fermi cloud in the BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Diana G., Manini N., Salasnich L. Year: 2006 (IF.: 3.047 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.065601)
34) Bulk and collective properties of a dilute Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Manini N., Salasnich L. Year: 2005 (IF.: 2.997 Cit.: 153 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.033625)
35) Condensate fraction of a Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Manini N., Parola A. Year: 2005 (IF.: 2.997 Cit.: 84 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.023621)
36) Effective wave equations for the dynamics of cigar-shaped and disk-shaped Bose condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2002 (IF.: 2.986 Cit.: 548 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.65.043614)
37) Finite-size effects in a bosonic Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Wimberger S., Manganelli G., Brollo A., Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.971 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.023326)
38) Propagation of first and second sound in a two-dimensional Fermi superfluid in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Tononi A.; Cappellaro A.; Bighin G.; Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.971 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.L061303)
39) Dissipation and fluctuations in elongated bosonic Josephson junctions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Binanti F., Furutani K., Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.971 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.063309)
40) Collisionless sound of bosonic superfluids in lower dimensions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L.; Sattin F. Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.971 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.043324)
41) Acoustic Plasmons in Graphene Sandwiched between Two Metallic Slabs in Symmetry-BaselBy: Salasnich; Luca Year: 2021 (IF.: 2.940 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/sym13040684)
42) Spontaneous symmetry breaking of fundamental states, vortices, and dipoles in two- and one-dimensional linearly coupled traps with cubic self-attraction in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Chen ZP., Li YY., Malomed BA., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 2.909 Cit.: 16 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.033621)
43) Thermal field theory of bosonic gases with finite-range effective interaction in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Cappellaro A., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 2.909 Cit.: 12 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.033627)
44) Finite-range corrections to the thermodynamics of the one-dimensional Bose gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Cappellaro A., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 2.909 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.063610)
45) Superfluid Bose-Fermi mixture from weak coupling to unitarity in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Adhikari S.K., Salasnich L. Year: 2008 (IF.: 2.908 Cit.: 93 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.043616)
46) Extended Thomas-Fermi density functional for the unitary Fermi gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Toigo F. Year: 2008 (IF.: 2.908 Cit.: 76 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.053626)
47) Nonlinear Schrodinger equation for a superfluid Bose gas from weak coupling to unitarity: Study of vortices in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Adhikari S.K., Salasnich L. Year: 2008 (IF.: 2.908 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.033618)
48) Macroscopic periodic tunneling of Fermi atoms in the BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Manini N, Toigo F. Year: 2008 (IF.: 2.908 Cit.: 46 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.043609)
49) Collective modes across the soliton-droplet crossover in binary Bose mixtures in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Cappellaro A., Macri T., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 2.907 Cit.: 42 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.053623)
50) Collisionless dynamics in two-dimensional bosonic gases in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Cappellaro A., Toigo F., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 2.907 Cit.: 19 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.043605)
51) Asymmetric many-body loss in a bosonic double well in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Denis Z., Tiene A., Salasnich L., Wimberger S. Year: 2018 (IF.: 2.907 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.013602)
52) Dynamics of a Bose-Einstein-condensate bright soliton in an expulsive potential in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L. Year: 2004 (IF.: 2.902 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.053617)
53) Transition from three dimensions to one dimension in Bose gases at zero temperature in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2004 (IF.: 2.902 Cit.: 43 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.013606)
54) Dimensional reduction in Bose-Einstein-condensed alkali-metal vapors in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2004 (IF.: 2.902 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.69.045601)
55) Superfluid properties of bright solitons in a ring in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Furutani K., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 2.900 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.033320)
56) Unitary Fermi superfluid near the critical temperature: Thermodynamics and sound modes from elementary excitations in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Bighin G., Cappellaro A., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 2.900 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.063329)
57) Two-site anyonic Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Brollo A., Veronese A., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 2.900 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.023308)
58) Condensate fraction of a two-dimensional attractive Fermi gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L. Year: 2007 (IF.: 2.893 Cit.: 34 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.015601)
59) Condensate fraction of a resonant Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling in three and two dimensions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Dell’Anna L., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2011 (IF.: 2.878 Cit.: 56 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.033633)
60) Coherence and entanglement in the ground state of a bosonic Josephson junction: From macroscopic Schrodinger cat states to separable Fock states in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Mazzarella G., Salasnich L., Parola A., Toigo F. Year: 2011 (IF.: 2.878 Cit.: 50 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.053607)
61) Condensate formation with three-component ultracold fermions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L. Year: 2011 (IF.: 2.878 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.033630)
62) Localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a bichromatic optical lattice in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Adhikari S.K., Salasnich L. Year: 2009 (IF.: 2.866 Cit.: 61 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.023606)
63) Dc Josephson effect with Fermi gases in the Bose-Einstein regime in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Ancilotto F., Toigo F. Year: 2009 (IF.: 2.866 Cit.: 58 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.033627)
64) Low-temperature thermodynamics of the unitary Fermi gas: Superfluid fraction, first sound, and second sound in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L. Year: 2010 (IF.: 2.861 Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.063619)
65) Dimensional reduction of a binary Bose-Einstein condensate in mixed dimensions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Young L.E.S., Salasnich L., Adhikari S.
Year: 2010 (IF.: 2.861 Cit.: 22 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.053601)
66) Spontaneous symmetry breaking and collapse in bosonic Josephson junctions
in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2010 (IF.: 2.861 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.033611)
67) Pulsed macroscopic quantum tunneling of falling Bose-Einstein condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2001 (IF.: 2.810 Cit.: 47 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.64.023601)
68) Localized modes in quasi-two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit and Rabi couplings in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Cardoso W.B., Malomed B.A. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 84 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.033629)
69) Josephson physics of spin-orbit-coupled elongated Bose-Einstein condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Garcia-March M.A., Mazzarella G., Dell’Anna L., Juliá-Díaz B., Salasnich L., Polls A. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 49 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.063607)
70) Monte Carlo simulations of the unitary Bose gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Rossi M., Salasnich L., Ancilotto F., Toigo F. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.041602)
71) Quantum bright solitons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Barbiero L., Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 13 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.063605)
72) Polarization of a quasi-two-dimensional repulsive Fermi gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling: A variational study in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Ambrosetti A., Lombardi G., Silvestrelli P., Toigo F. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.043614)
73) Quantum bright solitons in the Bose-Hubbard model with site-dependent repulsive interactions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Barbiero L., Malomed BA., Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.063611)
74) Effect of a laser dip in the semiclassical dynamics of bosonic Josephson junctions in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Szirmai G., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.808 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.013607)
75) Engineering phase and density of Bose-Einstein condensates in curved waveguides with toroidal topology in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Nikolaieva Y., Salasnich L., Yakimenko A. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.800 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/acf783)
76) Quantum solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Bose mixtures in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Tononi A., Wang YM., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.777 Cit.: 36 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.063618)
77) Effects of long-range hopping in the Bose-Hubbard model in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Ferraretto M., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.777 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.013618)
78) Gaussian quantum fluctuations in the superfluid-Mott-insulator phase transition in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Faccioli M., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.777 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.023614)
79) Composite bosons in the two-dimensional BCS-BEC crossover from Gaussian fluctuations in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Toigo F. Year: 2015 (IF.: 2.765 Cit.: 27 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.011604)
80) Scattering length of composite bosons in the three-dimensional BCS-BEC crossover in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Bighin G. Year: 2015 (IF.: 2.765 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.033610)
81) Photon-induced self-trapping and entanglement of a bosonic Josephson junction inside an optical resonator
in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Rosson P., Mazzarella G., Szirmai G., Salasnich L. Year: 2015 (IF.: 2.765 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.92.063604)
82) First and Second Sound in Two-Dimensional Bosonic and Fermionic Superfluids in Symmetry-BaselBy: Salasnich L., Cappellaro A., Furutani K., Tononi A., Bighin G. Year: 2022 (IF.: 2.700 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.3390/sym14102182)
83) Power Spectrum and Diffusion of the Amari Neural Field in Symmetry-BaselBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.645 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/sym11020134)
84) Bose condensate in a double-well trap: Ground state and elementary excitations in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 1999 (IF.: 2.639 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.60.4171)
85) Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition with Rabi-coupled bosons in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Furutani K., Perali A., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.600 Cit.: 6 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.L041302)
86) On-shell approximation for the s-wave scattering theory in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Lorenzi F., Bardin A., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.600 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.033325)
87) Condensate bright solitons under transverse confinement in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., A. Parola, L. Reatto Year: 2003 (IF.: 2.589 Cit.: 111 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.66.043603)
88) Superfluids, Fluctuations and Disorder in APPLIED SCIENCES-BASELBy: Cappelano A., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 2.474 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.3390/app9071498)
89) Tunable zero and first sounds in ultracold Fermi gases with Rabi coupling in JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENTBy: Lepori L., Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 2.404 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/aa6580)
90) Multiparameter generalization of nonextensive statistical mechanics in PHYSICAL REVIEW EBy: Sattin F., Salasnich L. Year: 2002 (IF.: 2.397 Cit.: 50 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.035106)
91) Thermodynamics of multi-component Fermi vapours in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L., Pozzi B., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2000 (IF.: 2.332 Cit.: 49 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/33/19/309)
92) Emulation of lossless exciton-polariton condensates by dual-core optical waveguides: Stability, collective modes, and dark solitons in PHYSICAL REVIEW EBy: Salasnich L., Malomed B.A., Toigo F. Year: 2014 (IF.: 2.288 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.043202)
93) Self-Consistent Derivation of the Modified Gross-Pitaevskii Equation with Lee-Huang-Yang Correction in APPLIED SCIENCES-BASELBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 2.217 Cit.: 11 DOI: 10.3390/app8101998)
94) Density of States for the Unitary Fermi Gas and the Schwarzschild Black Hole in Symmetry-BaselBy: Salasnich Luca Year: 2023 (IF.: 2.200 DOI: 10.3390/sym15020350)
95) Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics in one-dimensional bose gases in JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENTBy: Baldovin F., Cappellaro A., Orlandini E., Salasnich L. Year: 2016 (IF.: 2.196 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2016/06/063303)
96) Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Mode: Comparing Gross-Pitaevskii and Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations in Symmetry-BaselBy: Faccioli M., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 2.143 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.3390/sym10040080)
97) Pair condensation of polarized fermions in the BCS-BEC crossover in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Bighin G., Mazzarella G., Dell’Anna L., Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 1.975 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/19/195302)
98) Periodic quantum tunnelling and parametric resonance with cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 2002 (IF.: 1.969 Cit.: 43 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/35/14/315)
99) Quenching dynamics of the bright solitons and other localized states in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Ravisankar R., Sriraman T., Salasnich L., Muruganandam P. Year: 2020 (IF.: 1.917 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/aba661)
100) Atomic Josephson junction with two bosonic species in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzarella G., Moratti M., Salasnich L., Salerno M., Toigo F. Year: 2009 (IF.: 1.910 Cit.: 39 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/42/12/125301)
101) Effect of Transverse Confinement on a Quasi-One-Dimensional Dipolar Bose Gas in CONDENSED MATTERBy: De Palo S., Orignac E., Citro R., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (IF.: 1.900 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/condmat8010026)
102) Rabi-Josephson oscillations and self-trapped dynamics in atomic junctions with two bosonic species in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Mazzarella G., Malomed B.A., Salasnich L., Salerno M., Toigo F. Year: 2011 (IF.: 1.875 Cit.: 26 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/44/3/035301)
103) Effective-range signatures in quasi-1D matter waves: sound velocity and solitons in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Sgarlata F., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2015 (IF.: 1.833 Cit.: 9 DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/48/11/115301)
104) Shock waves in quasi one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.753 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2016-16066-x)
105) Polarization in a three-dimensional Fermi gas with Rabi coupling in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Penna V., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (IF.: 1.703 Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/aaf5fe)
106) Rabi Coupled Fermions in the BCS-BEC Crossover in CONDENSED MATTERBy: Dell’Anna L., De Bettin F., Salasnich L. Year: 2022 (IF.: 1.700 DOI: 10.3390/condmat7040059)
107) Superfluid hydrodynamics of polytropic gases: dimensional reduction and sound velocity in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICALBy: Bellomo N., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (IF.: 1.583 DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/47/9/095201)
108) Density functional theory of a trapped Bose gas with tunable scattering length: From weak-coupling to unitarity in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICSBy: Rossi M., Ancilotto F., Salasnich L., Toigo F. Year: 2015 (IF.: 1.417 Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02387-9)
109) Zero-dimensional limit of the two-dimensional Lugiato-Lefever equation in EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL DBy: Cardoso WB., Salasnich L., Malomed BA. Year: 2017 (IF.: 1.393 Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2017-80060-7)
110) Analytical results on quantum correlations of few bosons in a double-well trap in ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICSBy: Galante M., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2015 (IF.: 1.367 Cit.: 2 )
111) Finite-element modelling of simple shear flow in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids around a circular rigid particle in JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGYBy: Pennacchioni G., Fasolo L, Cecchi M.M., Salasnich L. Year: 2000 (IF.: 1.354 Cit.: 43 DOI: 10.1016/S0191-8141(99)00180-7)
112) Quantum Correlations of Few Dipolar Bosons in a Double-Well Trap in JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICSBy: Pizzardo M., Mazzarella G., Salasnich L. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.300 Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.1007/s10909-016-1616-7)
113) Quantum Fluctuations and Vortex-Antivortex Unbinding in the 2D Bcs-Bec Crossover in JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISMBy: Salasnich L., Bighin G. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.180 Cit.: 7 DOI: 10.1007/s10948-016-3830-6)
114) Reliable Equation of State for Composite Bosons in the 2D BCS-BEC Crossover in JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISMBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2016 (IF.: 1.180 Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1007/s10948-015-3290-4)
115) Bright solitons in ultracold atoms in OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (IF.: 1.168 Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1007/s11082-017-1247-5)
116) Ideal quantum gases in D-dimensional space and power-law potentials in JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2000 (IF.: 1.008 Cit.: 64 DOI: 10.1063/1.1322078)
117) Renormalization of the superfluid density in the two-dimensional BCS-BEC crossover in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS BBy: Birghin G., Salasnich L. Year: 2018 (IF.: 0.863 Cit.: 5 DOI: 10.1142/S0217979218400222)
118) Pulsed quantum Tunneling with matter waves
in LASER PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2002 (IF.: 0.798 Cit.: 79 )
119) Time-dependent variational approach to Bose-Einstein condensation in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS BBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2000 (IF.: 0.598 Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1142/S0217979200000029)
120) Quenched Dynamics of the Momentum Distribution of the Unitary Bose Gas in FEW-BODY SYSTEMSBy: Ancilotto F., Rossi M., Salasnich L., Toigo F. Year: 2015 (IF.: 0.558 Cit.: 10 DOI: 10.1007/s00601-015-0971-2)
121) Dimensional Reduction and Localization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Quasi-1D Bichromatic Optical Lattice
in ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA ABy: Salasnich L., Adhikari K. Year: 2015 (IF.: 0.525 Cit.: 5 )
122) Observation of quantum droplets in a heteronuclear bosonic mixture
in PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCHBy: D’Errico C., Burchianti A., Prevedelli M., Salasnich L., Ancilotto F., Modugno M., Minardi F., Fort C. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 201 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.033155)
123) Structure and stability of bosonic clouds: Alkaki-metal atoms with negative scattering length in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Parola A., Salasnich L., Reatto L. Year: 1998 (Cit.: 98 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.57.R3180)
124) Oscillation frequencies for a Bose condensate in a triaxial magnetic trap in PHYSICS LETTERS ABy: Cerboneschi E., Mannella R., Arimondo E., Salasnich L. Year: 1998 (Cit.: 75 DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(98)00732-4)
125) Bosons in a toroidal trap: Ground state and vortices in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Salasnich L., Parola A., Reatto L. Year: 1998 (Cit.: 41 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.59.2990)
126) A Dual-Species Bose-Einstein Condensate with Attractive Interspecies Interactions in CONDENSED MATTERBy: Burchianti A., D’Errico C., Prevedelli M., Salasnich L., Ancilotto F., Modugno M., Minardi F., Fort C. Year: 2020 (Cit.: 31 DOI: 10.3390/condmat5010021)
127) Quantum chaos in a Yang-Mills-Higgs system in MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS ABy: Salasnich L. Year: 1997 (Cit.: 28 DOI: 10.1142/S0217732397001503)
128) Chaos suppression in the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs system in PHYSICAL REVIEW DBy: Salasnich L. Year: 1995 (Cit.: 24 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.52.6189)
129) Goldstone and Higgs Hydrodynamics in the BCS-BEC Crossover in CONDENSED MATTERBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2017 (Cit.: 4 DOI: 10.3390/condmat2020022)
130) Fermionic condensation in ultracold atoms, nuclear matter and neutron stars in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIESBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2014 (Cit.: 3 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/497/1/012026)
131) Electrodynamics of Superconductors: From Lorentz to Galilei at Zero Temperature in ENTROPYBy: Salasnich., L. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/e26010069)
132) Quantum fluctuations in atomic Josephson junctions: the role of dimensionality in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICSBy: Bardin A., Lorenzi F., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad127b)
133) Quantum wave representation of dissipative fluids in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS CBy: Salasnich L., Succi S., Tiribocchi A. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1142/S0129183124501006)
134) Shell-shaped atomic gases in PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERSBy: Tononi A., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2024.04.004)
135) Reliability of the ginzburg-landau theory in the bcs-bec crossover by including gaussian fluctuations for 3d attractive fermions in CONDENSED MATTERBy: Pascucci F.; Perali A.; Salasnich L. Year: 2021 (Cit.: 2 DOI: 10.3390/condmat6040049)
136) Breathing mode of a quantum droplet in a quasi-one-dimensional dipolar Bose gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW ABy: Orignac E., De Palo S., Salasnich L., Citro R. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.043316)
137) Condensate and superfluid fraction of homogeneous Bose gases in a self-consistent Popov approximation in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Vianello C., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 (Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-65897-2)
138) Fokker-Planck equations for a trapped particle in a quantum-thermal Ohmic bath: general theory and applications to Josephson junctions in AAPPS BULLETINBy: Furutani K., Salasnich L. Year: 2023 (Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.1007/s43673-023-00087-2)
139) Action Functional for a Particle with Damping in CONDENSED MATTERBy: De Bettin F., Cappellaro A., Salasnich L. Year: 2019 (Cit.: 1 DOI: 10.3390/condmat4030081)
140) Amplitude, phase, and topological fluctuations shaping the complex phase diagram of two-dimensional superconductors in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Furutani K., Midei G., Perali A., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.134501)
141) Atomic soliton transmission and induced collapse in scattering from a narrow barrier in SCIENTIFIC REPORTSBy: Lorenzi F., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-49108-y)
142) Canonical vs. Grand Canonical Ensemble for Bosonic Gases under Harmonic Confinement in ENTROPYBy: Crisanti A., Salasnich L., Sarracino A., Zannetti M. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.3390/e26050367)
143) Interaction-induced dissipative quantum phase transition in a head-to-tail atomic Josephson junction in PHYSICAL REVIEW BBy: Furutani K., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.L140503)
144) Only-phase Popov action: thermodynamic derivation and superconducting electrodynamics in JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICALBy: Salasnich L., Pelizzo MG., Lorenzi F. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ad6ab3)
145) Quantum vortices in curved geometries in AVS QUANTUM SCIENCEBy: Tononi A., Salasnich L., Yakimenko A. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1116/5.0211426)
146) Revisiting the Toda-Brumer-Duff criterion for order-chaos transition in dynamical systems in PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENABy: Sattin F., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2024.134067)
147) Symplectic Quantization III: Non-relativistic Limit in FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICSBy: Gradenigo G., Livi R., Salasnich L. Year: 2024 ( DOI: 10.1007/s10701-024-00783-5)
148) Discrete Bright Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Field Theory in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2015 149) Quantum Physics of Light and Matter in JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICSBy: Salasnich L. Year: 2014