
TEN Papers with more Citations by Dalfovo Franco

1) Spontaneous creation of Kibble–Zurek solitons in a Bose–Einstein condensate in NATURE PHYSICS
By: Lamporesi G., Donadello S., Serafini S., Dalfovo F., Ferrari G. Year: 2013 (IF.: 20.603 Cit.: 200 DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2734)

2) Observation of Subdiffusion in a Disordered Interacting System in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Lucioni E., Deissler B., Tanzi L., Roati G., Zaccanti M., Modugno M., Larcher M., Dalfovo F., Inguscio M., Modugno G. Year: 2011 (IF.: 7.370 Cit.: 128 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.230403)

3) Observation of Solitonic Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Donadello S., Serafini S., Tylutki M., Pitaevskii L.P., Dalfovo F., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2014 (IF.: 7.512 Cit.: 125 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.065302)

4) Dynamics of Dark Solitons in a Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Scott R.G., Dalfovo F., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Year: 2011 (IF.: 7.370 Cit.: 82 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.185301)

5) Vortex Reconnections and Rebounds in Trapped Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates in PHYSICAL REVIEW X
By: Serafini S., Galantucci L., Iseni E., Bienaimé T., Bisset R.N. , Barenghi C.F., Dalfovo F., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2017 (IF.: 14.385 Cit.: 82 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.7.021031)

6) Dark solitons in a superfluid Fermi gas in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Antezza M., Dalfovo F., Pitaevskii L.P., Stringari S. Year: 2007 (IF.: 2.893 Cit.: 78 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.043610)

7) Effects of interaction on the diffusion of atomic matter waves in one-dimensional quasiperiodic potentials in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Larcher M., Dalfovo F., Modugno M. Year: 2009 (IF.: 2.866 Cit.: 75 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.053606)

8) Dynamics and Interaction of Vortex Lines in an Elongated Bose-Einstein Condensate in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
By: Serafini S., Barbiero M., Debortoli M., Donadello S., Larcher F., Dalfovo F., Lamporesi G., Ferrari G. Year: 2015 (IF.: 7.645 Cit.: 64 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.170402)

9) Detecting phonons and persistent currents in toroidal Bose-Einstein condensates by means of pattern formation in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Modugno M., Tozzo C., Dalfovo F. Year: 2006 (IF.: 3.047 Cit.: 60 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.061601)

10) Parametric excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
By: Kraemer M., Tozzo C., Dalfovo F. Year: 2005 (IF.: 2.997 Cit.: 60 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.061602)